Home » » After reading this line, u'll notice that the the human brain doesn't inform u that the the word "the" has been repeated twice every time.

After reading this line, u'll notice that the the human brain doesn't inform u that the the word "the" has been repeated twice every time.

FACT is derived from the Latin word called FACTUM means something that has really performed, occurred or happened in past or indicate a matter under discussion deemed to be true or correct. Fact is sometimes used synonymously with truth, as distinct from opinions and dalsehoods. Today I have consolidated famous, great and interesting facts for you all. Check out and share your opinion via comments and let us know how you like them. Click here to list all the posts related topic FACTS.

Fact - 1:  Adult cats do not meow to each other, they only meow to communicate with humans and only purr to the humans they love.

Fact - 2:  After 1 month vacation, your I.Q. can drop by as much as 20%

Fact - 3:  After fighting, male giraffes have gay sex.

Fact - 4:  After kissing someone with passion, their DNA will stay in your mouth for at least an hour afterwards.

Fact - 5:  After reading this tweet you will realize that the the brain doesn't recognize a second "the".

Fact - 6:  After reading this line, u'll notice that the the human brain doesn't inform u that the the word "the" has been repeated twice everytime.

Fact - 7:  After the age of about twenty years, you lose around a gram of brain mass every year.


Fact - 8:  After Tupac was cremated, his ashes were mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of his hip-hop group, Outlawz.

Fact - 9:  Age doesn't specify or define life experience. So many people are so young and yet have gone through so much.

Fact - 10:  Age is just a number, maturity is a choice.

Fact - 11:  Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

Fact - 12:  Alabama was the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday.

Fact - 13:  Albert Einstein would charge people $1 for an autograph. He'd then donate this money to charity.

Fact - 14:  Alcohol triggers the region of the brain responsible for honesty. Which is why the truth comes out when someone is intoxicated.


Fact - 15:  Alexis, Ashley, Aubrey, Audrey, Beverly, Brook, Carol, Courtney, Dana, Ethel, Jocelyn, Kelly, Kelsey, Kimberly were all originally boy names

Fact - 16:  Alfred Hitchcock didn’t have a belly button. It was eliminated when he was sewn up after surgery.

Fact - 17:  All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.

Fact - 18:  All Hebrew originating names that end with the letters el have something to do with God.

Fact - 19:  All of the clocks in the movie “Pulp Fiction” are stuck on 4:20, a national pot-smokers hour.

Fact - 20:  All polar bears are left-handed.

Fact - 21:  All snow crystals are hexagonal.

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Fact - 22:  All the dirt from the foundation to build the World Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form the community now known as Battery City Park.

Fact - 23:  All totalled, the sunlight that strikes Earth at any given moment weighs as much as an ocean liner.

Fact - 24:  All US Presidents have worn glasses; some just didn’t like being seen wearing them in public.

Fact - 25:  Allegedly, over 32% of Twitter Accounts are fake accounts created by the FBl and ClA to spy on people and monitor social networking activity

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