Home » » Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear any pants.

Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear any pants.

FACT is derived from the Latin word called FACTUM means something that has really performed, occurred or happened in past or indicate a matter under discussion deemed to be true or correct. Fact is sometimes used synonymously with truth, as distinct from opinions and dalsehoods. Today I have consolidated famous, great and interesting facts for you all. Check out and share your opinion via comments and let us know how you like them. Click here to list all the posts related topic FACTS.

Fact - 1:  Deer can’t eat hay.

Fact - 2:  Dendrology is the study of trees.

Fact - 3:  Denmark has twice as many pigs as there are people. 

Fact - 4:  Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.

Fact - 5:  Despite the white, fluffy appearance of Polar Bears fur, it actually has black skin.

Fact - 6:  Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have two coasts.

Fact - 7:  Did you know you share a birthday with at least nine other million people in the world?


Fact - 8:  Dogs and cats consume over $11 billion worth of pet food a year

Fact - 9:  Dogs have four toes on their hind feet, and five on their front feet.

Fact - 10:  Dolphins sleep with one eye open!

Fact - 11:  Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags.

Fact - 12:  Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn’t wear any pants.

Fact - 13:  Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy.  

Fact - 14:  Dr. Jack Kevorkian first patient has Alzheimer’s disease.

Fact - 15:  Dr. Kellogg introduced Kellogg’s Corn Flakes in hopes that it would reduce masturbation.

Fact - 16:  Dragonflies are capable of flying sixty miles per hour, making them one of the fastest insects. This is good since they are in a big hurry, as they only live about twenty-four hours.

Fact - 17:  Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.

Fact - 18:  During a severe windstorm or rainstorm the Empire State Building sways several feet to either side.

Fact - 19:  During the chariot scene in ‘Ben Hur’ a small red car can be seen in the distance.

Fact - 20:  During the hundred days of the opening games at the Colosseum in Rome, in 80 A.D., over 5,000 animals were killed, including elephants, tigers, lions, elks, hyenas, hippopotamuses, and giraffes.

Fact - 21:  Each month, there is at least one report of UFOs from each province of Canada.


Fact - 22:  Each of us generates about 3.5 pounds of rubbish a day, most of it paper.

Fact - 23:  Each year in America there are about 300,000 deaths that can be attributed to obesity.

Fact - 24:  Each year there is one ton of cement poured for each man woman and child in the world.

Fact - 25:  Eagles can live in captivity for up to 46 years.

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