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Mosquitoes can fly through raindrops without getting hit.

FACT is derived from the Latin word called FACTUM means something that has really performed, occurred or happened in past or indicate a matter under discussion deemed to be true or correct. Fact is sometimes used synonymously with truth, as distinct from opinions and dalsehoods. Today I have consolidated famous, great and interesting facts for you all. Check out and share your opinion via comments and let us know how you like them. Click here to list all the posts related topic FACTS.

Fact - 1:  Mosquitoes can fly through raindrops without getting hit.

Fact - 2:  Mosquitoes have killed more humans than all the wars in history.

Fact - 3:  Mosquitos do more than just bite you. They also pee on you after sucking your blood.

Fact - 4:  Most American car horns honk in the key of F.

Fact - 5:  Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.

Fact - 6:  Most Egyptians died by the time they were 30 about 300 years ago,

Fact - 7:  Most lipstick contains fish scales.


Fact - 8:  Most of life's important decisions are either made in the shower or late at night when an individual is unable to sleep.

Fact - 9:  Most of the water you drink has already been drunk by somebody else, maybe several times over. You're welcome.

Fact - 10:  Most of the world's richest people were actually high school and college dropouts.

Fact - 11:  Most people assume you're mad at them just because you are quiet.

Fact - 12:  Most people decide whether or not they’re attracted to someone else within the first 3 seconds of meeting them.

Fact - 13:  Most people reading the word “yawning” will yawn.

Fact - 14:  Most people tend to have a difficult time staying mad at certain individuals & end up forgiving those who don't deserve it.

Fact - 15:  Most people will text faster if they like the person they are texting!

Fact - 16:  Most teenagers are treated like children but expected to act like adults.

Fact - 17:  Most toilets flush in E flat.

Fact - 18:  Mount Olympus Mons on Mars is three times the size of Mount Everest.

Fact - 19:  Mountain Dew does reduce your sperm count significantly.

Fact - 20:  Mozart wrote the nursery rhyme ‘twinkle, twinkle, little star’ at the age of 5.

Fact - 21:  Mr. Rogers is an ordained minister.

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Fact - 22:  Muhammad Ali gave his 1st Olympic medal to his high school teacher who said "you ain't never gonna be nuthin".

Fact - 23:  Music can help time pass by quicker, make your workouts stronger, and help you feel less pain.

Fact - 24:  Music has the ability to repair brain damage as well as return lost memories.

Fact - 25:  Music improves your brain's ability to remember & properly store new information.

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