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We never die in our own dreams.

FACT is derived from the Latin word called FACTUM means something that has really performed, occurred or happened in past or indicate a matter under discussion deemed to be true or correct. Fact is sometimes used synonymously with truth, as distinct from opinions and dalsehoods. Today I have consolidated famous, great and interesting facts for you all. Check out and share your opinion via comments and let us know how you like them. Click here to list all the posts related topic FACTS.

Fact - 1:  Warren Beatty and Shirley MacLaine are brother and sister.

Fact - 2:  Watching horror movies can burn up to 200 calories, just like a 30 minutes walk -- Scary movies burn more calories than any other genre.

Fact - 3:  We are only born with 2 fears -- We are naturally afraid of falling and loud noises.

Fact - 4:  We can udnretsnad msseed up stneceens as lnog as the lsat and frsit lttrees of wdros are in crrcoet plaecs.

Fact - 5:  We never die in our own dreams.

Fact - 6:  We, as humans, forget 90% of our dreams.

Fact - 7:  Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.


Fact - 8:  Wearing socks to bed can help reduce the amount of times you wake up during the night.

Fact - 9:  Wearing yellow makes you look bigger on camera; green, smaller.

Fact - 10:  Well, there are 3,000 kinds of lice. Yes, it is the lice we are prone to get due to lack of hair hygiene. 

Fact - 11:  Western Electric successfully brought sound to motion pictures and introduced systems of mobile communications which culminated in the cellular telephone.

Fact - 12:  We've already forgotten 40% of what happened to us yesterday.

Fact - 13:  What if humans could actually breathe in space? And the government says we can't so we don't try to escape.

Fact - 14:  What if life is a dream and death wakes us up?


Fact - 15:  What is called a "French kiss" in the English speaking world is known as an "English kiss" in France.

Fact - 16:  What is called a “French kiss” in the English speaking world is known as an “English kiss” in France.

Fact - 17:  When a cat blinks slowly at you, it's a sign of affection referred to as a "kitty kiss."

Fact - 18:  When a contestant leaves Hell’s Kitchen, they are immediately taken for a psychiatric evaluation.

Fact - 19:  When a ghost is present, it is said that there is usually a cold spot or a shift in the magnetic field.

Fact - 20:  When a glass breaks, the cracks move at speeds of up to 3,000 miles per hour.

Fact - 21:  When a Hawaiian woman wears a flower over her left ear, it means that she is not available.

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Fact - 22:  When a person dies, they have 7 minutes of brain activity left. It's the mind playing back the persons memories in a dream sequence.

Fact - 23:  When a person falls in love they tend to lose 2-3 close friends due to neglecting friendships for new found love.

Fact - 24:  When a person is in love, their brain ignores the person's flaws & makes it difficult for them to leave a person who causes them pain.

Fact - 25:  When a person laughs too much, even on stupid things, that person is sad deep inside. When a person sleeps a lot, that person is lonely.

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